A Buffer-Protected 53% Sodium Butyrate.



Sodium Butyrate for Swine


Butrigrow® buffer-protected 53% sodium butyrate

Butrigrow® is the ideal butyric acid feed additive developed specifically for the animal farming industry.


Protected by buffer salts, Butrigrow® optimises the stability of butyrate in the acid environment of the stomach, so that it can cross the stomach and enter the intestine to be directly released and absorbed at the target place where butyric acid provides its key benefits. Butrigrow® has a high concentration of sodium butyrate as high as 53% and effective butyric acid at 42%.

Product Features and Functions


White granule, odourless, low moisture absorption and high dispersibility

Enhances growth performance

Increases average daily weight gain by


Complies with increasing regulations against antibiotics

Stimulates intestinal development / maturation, improve digestive capabilities, and prevents post-weaning diarrhea

Encourages feed intake

Increases average feed intake by


Regulates intestinal microbiota

Significantly increases the population of Bacillus and Lactobacillus, decreases the population of E. Coli, Salmonella and Staphylococcus Aureus

Modulates of immune response, enhances intestinal immunity

Note: Results compared to Control Group  


Usage and Dosage

Butrigrow® can also be added to drinking water; recommended usage for poultry and swine is 300-500g/500L water.

Ingredients: Sodium Butyrate, Buffer Salts

Package Specification: 25 kg/bag

Shelf Life: 12 months

Storage: store in a ventilated, cool and dry place


Application of Butrigrow® Buffer-Protected

Sodium Butyrate on Weaning Swine

The Effect of Butrigrow® on the Growth of Weaning Swine

Trail One

Trial Place: Institute of Animal Science of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China

Trial Period: 3 pre-feeding days and 28 official trial days

Sample Size: 60 cross-bred weaning swine (25-day-old, weight 7.6kg), divided randomly into 2 groups, 5 replicates for each group, 6 piglets for each replicate

Control Group: basal diet

Butrigrow® Group: a supplementation of 2,000 mg/kg Butrigrow® sodium butyrate

The results showed the Butrigrow® group compared to the Control group:

• Increased average daily gain of 18%

• Increased average daily feed intake of 17.6%



1.  a, b means bearing different superscripts in the same row differ significantly (p<0.05)

2. Results may vary based on different animal application and animal farm conditions


The Effect of Butrigrow® on the Growth of Weaning Swine

Trail Two

Trial Place: Datong North Four Season Ranch Food Co., Ltd., Shanxi province, China

Trial Period: 42 official trial days

Sample Size: 60 cross-bred weaning swine (28-day-old, weight 8.18kg), divided randomly into 2 groups

Control Group: basal diet (days 1-14 creep feed, days 15-42 nursing feed)

Butrigrow® Group: a supplementation of 1,000 mg/kg Butrigrow® sodium butyrate

The results showed the Butrigrow® group compared to the Control group:

• Significantly increased average daily gain and daily feed intake in creep period (day 1-14)

• Significantly increased average daily gain in nuturing feed period (day 15-42)

• Increased average daily weight gain by 9%, and improved feed conversation rate by 6% of the full trial period


Note: Results may vary based on different animal application and animal farm conditions



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